Got Health?

Daily writing prompt
What are your thoughts on the concept of living a very long life?

I would love to live to be a 100. To see what new things have developed and how things have changed over the span of a hundred years, would be cool. I have already seen so many changes and developments, the remote control, microwaves, cds, cell phones, internet, computers, it’s exciting to think what more will come? I have even lived through a pandemic, thankfully.  I do have one condition though, physical and mental health is needed. Does it have to be 100% of course not, but it’s gotta be pretty good, you know what I mean?

Now, It’s What We’ve Got

Daily writing prompt
Do you spend more time thinking about the future or the past? Why?

The present is where I like to stay. 
Trying to be as fully present as I possibly can while engaged in activities at hand has been my focus. So much so, that picture taking is non existent as it detracts from living in the moment, I think.

I cannot say I have always been this way. No. Looking back at the past and setting my sites on the future is how I used to live. It is not until one becomes faced with the possibility of death does one come to truly find value in today. Tomorrow becomes elusive and meaningless and provokes thoughts envy that hopefully if you are lucky, give way to pity. 

Staying in the present, living the moment, has such great significance yet it is greatly under valued. Most live today thinking of tomorrow in the very moment they should be enjoying what is being experience at hand. 

Because I experienced the possibility of not having a tomorrow, I no longer give away my today’s. 

I am left wondering, why do we obsess in tomorrows and what is wrong with todays? 

Menopause Sucks!

Daily writing prompt
What are your biggest challenges?


Menopause sucks!

Weight gain, hot flashes, and mood swings.   Warning, symptoms vary.

Menopause sucks!

“Are you hot?” ”It’s getting hot.” WOW! Sweating profusely at random times, multiple times in a day, night, and week. It can look as though you have just come out of a shower!

“Can you blast the ac or fan!!!” Chills. Now it’s cold! Hello?! Why do you have the fan on so high?!  Covers on. Covers, off. Fan on, No Off! No ON! OMG!!!

Menopause Sucks!

Breath in, five pounds. Breath out, 3 pounds.

Tight, my pants feel.

Breath in 3, breath out, another 5.


Breath in and out, add another few more pounds.


“What does the scale say?!” I NEED to go shopping?

One size up.

Let’s try the next size


The next size?!

1x2x,3x, really?! Are you kidding me!? What is going on?!

Do I look fat? Does this make me look fat? Tell me the truth.

Menopause Sucks!

Do you wanna go shopping?’ ”Nah.”

“Let’s go to the movies.” ”Nah.”

“How about drinks?” ” Nah, not feeling it.”

“Well, what’s the matter?” ” I don’t know!” Cue the tears.


Menopause really sucks!!!

I heard a report, there is a pill to help with these and other symptoms.  I also heard that it is usually not prescribed to women. hmmm, I wonder why?

Support groups?! Do those exist? I don’t know. Who knows? Anyone?

More is needed.


Ingredients Only

Daily writing prompt
List your top 5 grocery store items.
  1. Chicken
  2. Eggs
  3. Vegetables: Lettuce, tomatoes, spinach, culantro, onions, sweet potatoes, avacados, etc.
  4. Fruits: berries
  5. Whole Wheat Bread / Rice

“I am tired of being an ingredient household.” ”Could you PLEASE buy some snacks?!” 

Maybe next time, remind me.

The moon, really?

I would not pay anything to go to the moon. I have no need to go to the moon. Do any of us need to go to the moon? Yes, Yes, “to explore strange new worlds.” But no. We humans are not responsible enough to go to the moon or any stange new world for that matter. If we could go to the moon and explore it or live on it, unfortunately we would eventually destroy it, which by the way is what we are doing right now in case you have not noticed. Instead, let’s work on understanding what we already have, learn how to take proper care of it, and make it more habitabale for future generations before we go off to the moon or any other stange new world and destroy them too.


Being a Woman Is Exhausting!

Getting Ready is a lot of work some days, and today was one of them! I recognize I am not writing about anything new, nor is this post mind blowing, but I do think women’s efforts, whatever they may be, are undervalued and more recognition for what we do is needed, even if it’s about getting ready.

Today after playing padel early in the morning, I decided to not shower right a way and relax a bit before I started doing “that.” By “that” I mean showering, washing my hair, drying it, and getting ready for the day. At times these activities can be relaxing, when a choice to do them is made, but doing them because it is needed, well that is another thing. Today, I had to get ready in order to be a normal functioning adult. After my down time, I began the process and about 40 minutes later I was “done.” I threw myself on the bed and decided to take a break before getting on with my day as I felt a bit tired again. As I was sitting there, scrolling, a message popped on my screen letting me know my device that I wear on my wrist had registered an activity. WOW! I thought. Now, I have to admit, this is not the first time this has happened which is why I am writing this post. Getting ready takes a lot of energy, to the point where a device will register getting ready as an activity because your heart rate gets higher than your normal resting rate for a fifteen minute period. Now some might say perhaps I have a heart condition and this may be why my heart rate is elevated, but no I assure you this is not the case. Getting ready is just energy consuming especially if you have wavy, non controlling, mid length hair! It’s not just the hair. Its the shaving, the drying, the picking out clothes, putting creams, make-up, and clothes on. At times, it can be a lot. Oh, I would like to add that twenty minutes could easily be added to my forty minute time if I chose to fully dry my hair. Today, I left my hair semi-wet, added some goop to it, and I am hoping for the best!

This post is dedicated to all women and the things we do no matter how small or big that are not talked about, recognized, or appreciated!

Know Thy Place

Children should be seen and not heard is an proverb you may be familiar with. A quick search on the internet and you will get slightly different meanings. One explanation speaks to how this proverb was aimed at young women and keeping quiet in the presence of others and another makes reference to a more biblical meaning in which children should not speak in the presence of adults, which I am partial to. I say this because as I was riding along with my girlfriend the other day, she was giving me a ride, and her child kept interjecting her thoughts into the conversation. At first I did not mind, and I even entertained the comments made, but after a short bit it became old. The mere mention of the word park, for example, launched a barrage of comments on the child’s last visit to the park and all the wonderful things done as well as additional comments and details from the parent. Meanwhile the adult is patiently waiting to continue the conversation. I can say I actually forgot what I was talking about or wanted to say at one point.

There is a time and a place for children, hence the proverb. If you are having an adult conversation, a child should not be participant of the conversation unless necessary. Children should wait to speak until it is appropriate. Of course children do not know this and it is up to the parents to guide their children on this matter, which is why I am writing this blog post. So for all the parents out there, be mindful when having adult conversations about your child’s participation. And if you notice that your adult friends have gone MIA, it could be because this boundary missing.

Childhood Book

Daily writing prompt
Do you remember your favorite book from childhood?

“Mommy when are you gonna take me to the library?”

“I hope they have the next book in the series checked in!!”

I used to beg my mom to take me to the library. It was one of the places that I most loved to go. The door to the library was a heavy door, difficult to open. Once opened, the smell of old wood hit you as the children’s library was in a old house of some sort or old barn converted to a library. The floors creaked as you walked around on the red carpet. The card catalog was at the front by the door and the check out / return desk was to the right of that. Saturday’s was library day. Each week I sped read my way through a book, usually done before Saturday. When Saturday finally rolled around, I couldn’t wait to get my next book in the series. I did not have look through the drawers of the card catalog or ask where I could find the books, as I already knew where my books were housed. They were in the back left corner of the library, bottom shelf, next to a window. Each visit, I frantically searched for the next book in the Laura Ingalls Wilder, Little House on the Prairie series.

Got it!

I Say No to Religon but

Daily writing prompt
Do you practice religion?

I say yes to God. My relationship with God, as with all, is unique. My beliefs include in being the best version of yourself and doing good for others when possible. I believe in kindness, oneness and respect. Although I see how religon can be a source of comfort, belongingness and maybe unity in life (questionable), I also see how religion is a source of division, exclusion, and force of hate stemming from a system of beliefs that are supposed to create belonging, unity, and comfort.

What a dilemma.